We have a variety of templates for emails, microsites, and print templates.
All elements can be found on your dashboard's "Resources" tab.
Basic Design Specs can be found here, as well as most of the support apps.
Photo Templates: Max file size 5 MB
Attract Screen Image: Max file size 5 MB
Attract Screen Video: Max file size 20 MB
Email Banners: Max file size 3 MB
Microsite banner: Max file size 3 MB
Attract screen Images
2048 x 1536 resolution (Landscape)
iPad Air
iPad Air 2
iPad Pro 9.7
2224 x 1668 resolution (Landscape)
iPad Pro 10.5
2732 x 2048 resolution (Landscape)
iPad Pro 12.9
iPad Pro 12.9 (2017)
TOP TIP: It is a great idea to use TinyPNG to compress your images. TinyPNG will compress them with effectively no visible difference and make loading event resources even better.
Attract screen videos
To work in portrait and landscape, we recommend 1800 x 1800, but you can use a standard full HD 1080 x 1440 for portrait and 1440 x 1080 landscape.