Snappic automatically integrates with Twilio. However, you can add your own Twilio account.
Table of Contents:
Twilio Account
How to connect Twilio to Snappic
First, we will navigate to My Profile tab on the top right.
Now, we will navigate to the Advanced tab and see a button to Connect your Twilio account.
We will now be able to add Twilio information and Save Changes.
Unsupported Countries
Some carriers in certain regions have introduced stricter requirements for sending text messages, including verification and validation processes.
To help you stay compliant with these new guidelines, we recommend that users in these regions set up their Twilio accounts and link them to their Snappic accounts. This ensures your messages continue to be sent smoothly and without interruptions.
Below, you’ll find a list of regions where Snappic’s direct text-sending service is currently not supported:
Réunion Island
We’re here 24/7! If you have any questions or need assistance setting up, don’t hesitate to reach out. Our friendly support team is always ready to help!