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Here you will find insight into the more advanced features on SNAPPIC
Enterprise Plus Custom App IconAdd your company app icon and have it open the grey label app.
Advanced Settings
Adjust Camera Zoom LevelCamera zoom slider option and where to find it
Adding Snippets/Pixel to your Snappic MicrositeHow to add google analytics or other Snippets to the microsite for even more analytical data.
Connecting Personal Twilio AccountSetting up Snappic to use your own Twilio account
Custom Experience ButtonsAdd your own custom buttons to your event attract screen
AVA and FaceMatchHow to enable AVA and FaceMatch
Microsite TranslationHow to change the language of the instagram share information for the Microsite
Changing a Device NameChanging a device name on the iPad
Custom Digital PropsHow to create your first custom digital prop.
Survey BuilderHow to use the Survey Builder to capture data
White Label URLs and EmailsGetting started
Creating a Facebook App IDWhite-label Facebook app
Live connect
Autonomous Single App Mode - SimpleMDMUsing a MDM solution