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Frequently Asked Questions
Questions from you our users that will help you get going fast.
How To Upgrade Your Pro EventUpgrading your Pro event
Billing HistoryEasily view and download your Snappic receipts.
Website embedding via HTML <iframe> codeThis guide explains how to embed either a virtual event; live slideshow and/or microsite gallery.
Downloading and Saving Photos, GIFs, Bursts, or VideosGuests can enjoy an easier way to save their GIFs, bursts and videos.
Delete photos & videos from an eventHow to delete photos off the online gallery as well as on the iPad gallery.
Analytics with SnappicA comprehensive guide on the analytics captured by Snappic
The difference between Surveys,
AVA, Event Analytics and
Guest Data CaptureDifferentiating between the information that can be captured per event
Snappic Premium FeaturesA breakdown of our features
Supported DevicesWhich iPads are supported by Snappic
Why Does my Burst ZoomWhy do my GIFs have a different Zoom to Stills
Gallery storage periodHow long do Photos/GIFs/Bursts stay active
Why did my sessions not upload?No photos showing on the dashboard or in the gallery
Do the Microsites/galleries contain Snappic branding?
Do I need internet access for my event?Running an event offline
Re-queue your sessions.Why did my photos or videos not upload?
Pending Session UploadsMissing images or videos from an event?